APEC「亞太地區基礎建設公私部門夥伴(PPP)發展與融資」國際研討會於8月13日在台北舉行 (2015/8/13)
清華大學臺灣研究院於7月28日上午前來台經院交流 (2015/7/28)
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美國資深官員 Dr. Robert S. WANG於5月15日拜訪台經院院長 (2015/5/29)
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2014年4月18日中國大陸世界能源研究室徐主任與本院交流 (2014/5/7)





APEC能源工作小組(EWG) 負責本次的能源智慧社區最佳案例評選競賽,小組同時負責能源智慧社區倡議及APEC成員內有關計劃,並鼓勵公私部門踴躍參與。



1. 智慧運輸

2. 智慧建築

3. 智慧電網

4. 智慧就業與消費

5. 跨領域(社區內)







兩輪競賽(資格賽及決賽) 之案例評審工作將由能源工作小組專家組成的小組負責。


• 策略(30%):創新性(10%),靈感(10%),目標清晰度(10%)

• 措施(40%):實用性(10%),參考性(10%),成本效益(10%),一致性(10%)

• 執行(30%):完整性(10%),審查性(10%),影響(10%)







有關本年度競賽查詢,請聯絡Ms. Wanling Wang () 及Ms. Karen Alozie() 。


APEC Calls for Energy Smart Case Submissions

Issued by the APEC Energy Working Group

Energy officials from the 21 APEC member economies, the world’s largest producers and consumers of energy, are welcoming public and private sector case submissions for the 2015 APEC Energy Smart Community Initiative Best Practice Awards.




The award program spotlights successful efforts within APEC economies to promote the grassroots use of renewable energy, energy efficiency and/or the reduction of carbon emissions, in ways that are economically viable and improve job creation and growth.


It builds on APEC member collaboration to advance these priorities under theEnergy Smart Community Initiative through the development and demonstration of new methodologies, technologies and applications, and by facilitating the adoption of industry best practices.


The award program is administered by the APEC Energy Working Group, the overseeing body of the Energy Smart Community Initiative and other APEC member projects within the sector. Both public and private sector entities are encouraged to apply.


Award Categories:


There are five award categories:

1. Smart Transport

2. Smart Buildings

3. Smart Grids

4. Smart Jobs and Consumers

5. Cross-Cutting (Community-Wide)


Deadline for Submissions: 31 July 2015


How to Apply:


Entrants should file their case submissions electronically at: http://esci-ksp.org/submit-your-post/


Evaluation of Submissions:


Case submissions will be evaluated by an expert panel selected by APEC member officials from the APEC Energy Working Group as part of a two stage process: a qualifying round and a final round.


The evaluation criteria is as follows:

• Strategy (30%): innovativeness (10%), inspiration (10%), clarity (10%)

• Measure (40%): practicability (10%), replicability (10%), cost-effectiveness (10%), consistency (10%)

• Performance (30%): completeness (10%), verifiability (10%), impact (10%)

The finalists in each award category will be announced on 31 August 2015 and requested to submit a self-assessment statement for evaluation outlining a case’s goal, implementing strategies and performance or outcomes by 20 September 2015.




The final results of the award program will be announced on 20 October 2015.


Award winners will receive a trophy issued by the APEC Energy Working Group and be invited to present their cases at a ceremony in conjunction with a meeting of the group at the end of this year, in a location to be determined.


Further Award Details and Contact:


Additional details about the APEC Energy Smart Community Initiative Best Practice Awards can be found at this link. Queries pertaining to this year’s program may be directed to Ms. Wanling Wang at copy Ms. Karen Alozie at .


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For more:


More information about APEC Energy Working Group activities and projects can be found on www.ewg.apec.org.


The Asia-Pacific’s need for 21st century energy solutions is described by Thailand’s Energy Minister at this link.  




More on APEC meetings, events, projects and publications can be found onwww.apec.org. You can also follow APEC on Twitter and join us onFacebook and LinkedIn.

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